Radhika Mahtani: Break Diving 10
Radhika Mahtani: Break Diving 10
Monroe Mann
Published On: Dec 24, 2024
Editor’s Note: On all blog posts, we try to edit the writing as little as possible to preserve authenticity, personality, and writing style. We typically fix spelling errors, but minimally modify grammar and sentence structure (just enough to ensure readability).
Name: Monroe Mann Break Diving Level: Level 1 Number of Certified Dives: 15 From: United States In: United States
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[Originally posted April 2019]
Full Name: Radhika Mahtani
Country of Origin: India
Current City and Country: Boston, MA
1. Who are you in just a few sentences, including some of your greatest accomplishments?
I am a Data / Research Analyst. I currently work as a research volunteer at Northeastern University; at History UnErased, Inc; and at MediaGirls.org. Recently, I came across Caritas Solutions and in a few weeks, I get to volunteer with their Database / SQL team to help in developing an app.
I am proud to say that I am also a part of this amazing team at Break Diving that helps members find success every day. As a volunteer staff member here, I get to learn and achieve so many new things, learn various programming languages, and it is here that I have found a chance to learn from each team member and every member of our breakdiving.io community. Everyone is always ready to help one another out!
2. What was it about Break Diving that appealed to you and what surprised you the most?
I loved everything about Break Diving from the moment I found it. This is a place where I find true happiness, and here the community members at Break Diving are all actively involved in getting better at any skill you name. Members are learning new programming languages; new foreign languages; and achieving every possible dream they have for themselves from cooking and skydiving to acting and world travel. I love that I get to be part of this environment bustling full of energy, and with so much to learn and share. I definitely love it here.
3. What was your life like before Break Diving?
My life before joining Break Diving—it felt like a vacuum, as if something important was missing in my life, and now, here at Break Diving, I am a new person with a lot of dreams to achieve and I know for a fact that I will be able to accomplish it all here with a team like this who sees a person’s success and happiness as its # 1 mission.
4. How has your life changed for the better since becoming a part of Break Diving?
Break Diving has become a very important part of my life, giving me the motivation and confidence for me to get better at what I do. I have learnt so much in these past couple of months here at Break Diving. It’s because of the philosophy here (No Rules. No Excuses. No Regrets.) that I now strive every day to code better and learn new languages, multi-task like a pro, and accomplish any dream that I have wanted to achieve!
5. What are your biggest regrets over the years and what have you learned?
I have a few regrets. One is not taking the initiative sooner to take advantage of all the resources around me to help me learn. I simply chose to prioritize other things which didn’t need attention and instead, I should have made the most of the opportunities presented to me. I had ample amount of time to do what I needed to do, but I didn’t. However, better late than never! So now I have learnt to prioritize where I need to better myself and make the most of every minute that I still have before me.
6. Where would you like to see yourself in five years?
In five years, I want to see myself a pro at coding in many languages and achieving many of my once forgotten dreams of the past. I would love to see myself a better coder, a better team player, a better cook, a good baker, a pro DIY innovator, a super mom, and a cool linguist.
7. How will being a part of Break Diving help you reach those goals?
The worldwide community members at Break Diving are doing just that: they are deep diving into icy cold, shark infested waters and grabbing all the opportunities that come their way. So I have a great support network and am getting to learn first-hand from experts in various fields.
8. How are you making the world a better place?
I am making the world a better place by first taking the initiative to learn new languages (coding and foreign), to support myself, and to support my family. In return, once I accomplish that, I see myself being better capable to go out and help others in need and to achieve their dreams. I am, of course, also volunteering here at Break Diving!
9. If you had to describe Break Diving to a friend, what would you say?
I am so proud of Break Diving and share it with whomever I meet. Break Diving’s description to a friend is always that it is a place where anyone can achieve their unrealized dreams by finding the support and friendship to turn them into reality. Along the way, learning to be a better person, gaining friends with common interests, and learning amazing new skills with an amazing set of members who only see your success and happiness every day of the year.
10. What are some projects and websites you would like to promote?
I would like to promote a future project of mine: something about parenting kids better. It would include a section on food and baking, for example, recipes made simple that even kids could do it. Just simplifying cooking processes would be an important project I’d like to promote and I’m working on that now, thanks to the support I find at Break Diving.
The Break Diving 10 is a repeating set of the same 10 questions asked to members of BreakDiving.io that allows members to share with the world who they are, what they’ve accomplished, what their dreams are, and why they love Break Diving!
Break Diving, Inc. is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
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