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Monroe Mann - My Adventures With the LSAT and Law School

Dive: Professional - Attorney
Description: Is a licensed attorney
Level: Level 1
Level Requirements: Is currently in law school
Certified On: Feb 3, 2019

Editor’s Note: On all dive certifications, we try to edit the writing as little as possible to preserve authenticity, personality, and writing style. We typically fix spelling errors, but minimally modify grammar and sentence structure (just enough to ensure readability).

Monroe Mann

Name: Monroe Mann Break Diving Level: Level 1 Number of Certified Dives: 15 From: United States In: United States

1. When and Why Did You Decide to Pursue This Dive At This Level? What was your inspiration and motivation?

I started studying the law while I was in Iraq with the US Army.  Weird right? Let me explain.

My dad was a lawyer.  My mom is a lawyer. My older sister too.  I vowed I would never become a lawyer. But in 2003, at the age of 25 or so, I was negotiating a contract with (at the time) an up-and-coming B-list actor who seemed to be on the way to becoming an A-list.  He had just about agreed to star in my wakeboarding feature film, “In the Wake”. He read the script. Liked it. His agent in LA passed me along to his attorneys. And that’s when the struggle began.

Two phrases stuck out:
1. “That’s not negotiable!”
2. “You’re not an attorney!”

I ended up caving in, and gave up much of the control of the film to this actor, because he was right for the part and would have brought a lot to the table.  But it didn’t matter: the following year, my national guard unit was mobilized, and soon, I was at Fort Drum, training for Iraq. On Jan 3, 2005, I arrived in Kuwait, and a few weeks later, crossed over the berm into a warzone.

While there, I found (no joke) an online law school (now defunct).  For the first few months in Iraq, I was working as the S2 for an intelligence unit.  I had internet access every day, and some free time during the week, so I thought, “Okay, I’m sure I’ll learn something” and signed up.  Shortly thereafter, however, I was transferred out into the field, to Tuz, Iraq, Camp Bernstein, to train the 4th Iraqi Army. I had far less time, it was a lot more dangerous, and internet access was spotty.  Result: that law school dream ended as quickly as it started, and I spent the rest of my deployment having a blast with the 4th Iraqi Army.

However, I vowed that if I made it home alive, I would consider taking the LSAT and applying to a regular law school in NY.  And that’s what happened.

2. How Long Did It Take For You To Accomplish This Dive At This Level From The Day You Decided To Pursue It, And Why Did It Take That Long?

When I got home from Iraq, I didn’t immediately think of going back to school.  But when I did, I ended up going to business school at Pace University to get my MBA.  But halfway through the first year, I learned that my school offered a JD/MBA program. I remembered what had happened with that movie I was trying to produce a couple years prior, and how angry and insignificant those lawyers made me feel, and I was reminded of my first attempts at studying the law while in Iraq.

Next thing I know, I applied to take the LSAT, didn’t study at all, did horribly, and despite my horrible LSAT scores, applied to Pace Law. In my essay, the first sentence was, “Please disregard my LSAT scores.” I then went on to explain about my life, and explain that all my life accomplishments should be proof enough that I would excel at law school.  I went on to explain why I’d be an asset to the school. Low and behold, a few weeks later, I was accepted in spring 2007, to the joint JD/MBA program.

3. What Was The Hardest Part About Achieving This Particular Dive Level?

The hardest part?  YOURSELF.

First, registering for and taking the LSAT and actually applying to law school is difficult for many people.  I did study for the LSAT a bit. But it depressed me because I was scoring so low and I didn’t want to spend $1,000 on a study course or tutor.  So instead of quitting, I just boldly took it without studying.

Go figure: I didn’t do well. But that didn’t stop me from applying. And (this is the important lesson), I still got into law school.  Is that the best strategy? No. You should probably study. It worked for me because of everything else I had done in my life and so maybe the same can work for you, i.e. life experience should never be underestimated. 

But most importantly, don’t sabotage yourself and your future by allowing fear to prevent you from taking the LSAT and applying to law school in the first place.  YOU MAY GET IN!

Second, law school is laawwwwwnnngggg.  Get my joke, haha?  The first year is stressful but fun.  The 2nd and 3rd years are just repetitive and boring.  I don’t really think the 2nd and 3rd years are necessary to become a lawyer from an intellectual standpoint–I think they are only there from a stamina standpoint.  To the most persistent go the spoils. Once you are accepted, get ready: it’s gonna be a long three years

4. What Was The Easiest Part About Achieving This Particular Dive Level?

The easiest part is requesting the application packet.  Just do it.  Get off your ass and find some law schools, and get in touch.  Easy at that.

5. What Is Your Advice For Someone Who Is Pursuing This Dive And Level?

Your grades and law review participation have zero correlation with passing the bar exam.  I got mostly Cs and Bs, and some As, and passed the NY bar the first time. And this was back when the NY bar was actually hard.  Meanwhile, some others who scored straight As and were on law review… unfortunately didn’t pass. So here’s the lesson: don’t get cocky, and don’t look down on those who score lower than you on end of semester exams.  Why? They may end up becoming the lawyer and you may not. On a brighter note, they may be able to help you graduate in the first place!

6. What Are Some Of The Best Resources You Recommend to Those Pursuing This Dive At This Level, And Why Do You Recommend Them? Please Include Relevant Weblinks, If Applicable.

Here are two websites that will help you on your journey.

Resource 1: Break Diving - This community is filled with incredible, motivated, and supportive people who will help you on your journey.

Resource 2: Law School Admission Counsel (USA) - If interested in becoming a USA attorney, this should be your first stop.

Resource 3: -

Resource 4: -

Resource 5: -

7. Tell Us A Story Of One Of Your Adventures While Pursuing This Dive (At This Level).

My 3 years at law school were really great, but the best was the first year.

Everyone in my 1L (that means 1st year law student) class were friends, and we all spent hours together every week in the library studying.  

There was deep camaraderie and it reminded me to an extent of what it was like in Iraq–having that strong unified mission.

Sadly, after that first year, the cliques began to form, and everyone went off in different directions.  But I still have a few close friends from law school that have survived the test of time. You will too

8. What Evidence Did You Submit to Prove You Met the Requirements for This Dive and Level?

I submitted my law school graduation transcript and diploma, and showed my NY law license. You can also search on the NY State Attorney Registration website to find my name. Be careful not to confuse me with my late father of the same name.

9. Will You Be Pursuing The Next Level For This Dive? If Yes, Why? If Not, Why Not?

I did indeed graduate law school (which is the next level) so I am going to pursue that, get certified, and share another WYSEguidance story with you soon!

10. What is the Break Diver's Creed?

No Rules. No Excuses. No Regrets.

Certificate photo:

And having made this post, and provided adequate evidence to the dive committee, Monroe Mann is now hereby certified by Break Diving, Inc. as: Professional - Attorney - Level 1. Congratulations ! Thank you for being an inspiration to others!

Certificate number: 1

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