Riya Chaudhary – How I Fell in Love With Walking & Lost Weight
Dive: Break Diver - Weight Dropper
Description: Has lost weight
Level: Level 1
Level Requirements: Has started a healthy weight loss program
Certified On:
Jul 3, 2020
Editor’s Note: On all dive certifications, we try to edit the writing as little as possible to preserve authenticity, personality, and writing style. We typically fix spelling errors, but minimally modify grammar and sentence structure (just enough to ensure readability).

Name: Riya Chaudhary Break Diving Level: Recruit Number of Certified Dives: 4 From: India In: India
1. When and Why Did You Decide to Pursue This Dive At This Level? What was your inspiration and motivation?
2. How Long Did It Take For You To Accomplish This Dive At This Level From The Day You Decided To Pursue It, And Why Did It Take That Long?
It was so frustrating for me at that time. I did not know how to start and from where. I was making new strategies and plans everyday so that I would not affect my studies while losing weight. But nothing worked.
After about a year from the day I decided to lose weight, I finally came up with the idea of dropping all means of traditional transport. I decided to walk to my coaching from home and from coaching to my college. And from college back home.
From that point, it took me 1 year to lose 9-10 kg.
3. What Was The Hardest Part About Achieving This Particular Dive Level?
Secondly, I was very fond of eating oily junk foods, so controlling my cravings was the most difficult task for me. I was an emotional over-eater or a self-described food addict. I used food to suppress feelings when I became angry at myself or someone else or, just as likely, when my anger gave way to anxiety or other emotions. In response to those feelings, I found myself eating again. This made it hard for me to work on my diet plan.
4. What Was The Easiest Part About Achieving This Particular Dive Level?
Walking took over my eating habit too. That was my favorite part – succeeding. I rarely lose my temper anymore and have good control over my emotions as well. Drinking more water also helped me with my eating habits.
5. What Is Your Advice For Someone Who Is Pursuing This Dive And Level?
Second, you have to keep your spirits up and try to stay happy despite difficulties losing weight. An active person whose mind also exercises itself is the key to motivating yourself to lose weight. You have to imagine how beautiful you are going to be after losing weight.
The main factor which motivated me to lose weight was the death of my neighbour by obesity. That made up my mind fully and then I began losing weight.
When you start losing weight, you will start loving seeing yourself in the mirror.
Another main factor was going upstairs and downstairs. Every day, I used to go upstairs and downstairs minimum 7 to 8 times. Sometimes I had to move up to and down from the third floor frequently, so that also helped me to reduce my weight.
Also, diet: I ate a heavy breakfast and a light dinner and avoided almost all junk food.
6. What Are Some Of The Best Resources You Recommend to Those Pursuing This Dive At This Level, And Why Do You Recommend Them? Please Include Relevant Weblinks, If Applicable.
I used videos on Mayoclinic’s Youtube channel. I also walked every chance I got, and I never skipped that. Every chance I had to go upstairs, I took.
Here are some other resources:
Resource 1: Break Diving - Come get the support you need here from others!
Resource 2: YouTube - Youtube helps me in creating my diet plans and there are so many mentors available. Just do a search for diet plans and menus.
Resource 3: Healthify Me - It helped me a lot because I could track my progress on this app like how many calories I am burning daily.
7. Tell Us A Story Of One Of Your Adventures While Pursuing This Dive (At This Level).
I made a decision to fast the whole month during which I could not eat anything except fruit and one meal which should be prepared from vegetables and no strong spices. During this time, we can only eat pure foods that are less spicy.
I was going to many parties at the time but not eating anything there. I went to Domino’s with my friends but did not eat there. My friends were all eating burgers and pizzas in front of me but I had to keep control of myself. So I also learned to have patience during these days.
8. What Evidence Did You Submit to Prove You Met the Requirements for This Dive and Level?

9. Will You Be Pursuing The Next Level For This Dive? If Yes, Why? If Not, Why Not?
10. What is the Break Diver's Creed?
Certificate photo:
And having made this post, and provided adequate evidence to the dive committee, Riya Chaudhary is now hereby certified by Break Diving, Inc. as: Break Diver - Weight Dropper - Level 1. Congratulations ! Thank you for being an inspiration to others!

Certificate number: 49
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