Shamaine Kupeta – My Story Coming to God
Dive: Break Diver - Child of God
Description: Has a relationship with God
Level: Level 1
Level Requirements: Has had an encounter or experience that has brought you closer to God
Certified On:
Jun 21, 2021
Editor’s Note: On all dive certifications, we try to edit the writing as little as possible to preserve authenticity, personality, and writing style. We typically fix spelling errors, but minimally modify grammar and sentence structure (just enough to ensure readability).

Name: Shamaine Kupeta Break Diving Level: Recruit Number of Certified Dives: 3 From: Zimbabwe In: Zimbabwe
1. When and Why Did You Decide to Pursue This Dive At This Level? What was your inspiration and motivation?
2. How Long Did It Take For You To Accomplish This Dive At This Level From The Day You Decided To Pursue It, And Why Did It Take That Long?
3. What Was The Hardest Part About Achieving This Particular Dive Level?
4. What Was The Easiest Part About Achieving This Particular Dive Level?
5. What Is Your Advice For Someone Who Is Pursuing This Dive And Level?
6. What Are Some Of The Best Resources You Recommend to Those Pursuing This Dive At This Level, And Why Do You Recommend Them? Please Include Relevant Weblinks, If Applicable.
Visit https://branham.org/ and use their resources. They are quite helpful.
Listening to sermons by Bro Branham.
Gospels songs are also another powerful resource one can use to draw yourself closer to God
Resource 1: Break Diving - We have many God-loving members in our community here.
Resource 2: Branham - Truly great resources.
7. Tell Us A Story Of One Of Your Adventures While Pursuing This Dive (At This Level).
I think I almost went through an identity crisis all because I could not understand where I actually stood spiritually. I couldn’t understand if I was actually a solid Christian or if I was just claiming to be one because I didn’t want to hurt or disappoint my parents with my claim.
So the craziest part about this adventure of mine was when I decided to completely give up on trying to find out if I actually could claim my spot as a Christian. I did not stop going to church though.
I honestly want to thank my mother. I think she noticed the storm within me but she never judged my unbelief instead she held my hand and taught me how to walk again. She would sit with me and share the greatness of God both in her life and from the Bible too, encouraging me to listen to Bro Branham’s messages and sincerely answering all of the weird questions I had.
Within time I found myself moved, hungering, and thirsting for more of Christ until I reached the stage I am at now. I can firmly say I believe in God’s presence. He is omnipotent and his ways are unending. I am proudly saying that He is God and I believe in His existence.
For me, that was truly an adventure although it was filled with many turns that I wasn’t proud of, but I still learnt a lot.
8. What Evidence Did You Submit to Prove You Met the Requirements for This Dive and Level?
9. Will You Be Pursuing The Next Level For This Dive? If Yes, Why? If Not, Why Not?
10. What is the Break Diver's Creed?
Certificate photo:
And having made this post, and provided adequate evidence to the dive committee, Shamaine Kupeta is now hereby certified by Break Diving, Inc. as: Break Diver - Child of God - Level 1. Congratulations ! Thank you for being an inspiration to others!

Certificate number: 83
The author above wrote this WYSEguidance post as one of the certification requirements to become certified by Break Diving, Inc. for a dive completed. Would you also like to find greater success, happiness, and friendship, and make genuine supportive connections with others around the world pursuing your same dreams? Come join us at Break Diving and soon your story will be the next one you read about on this site!