This Doctorate Resource Handbook Below
Proudly Brought to you by Break Diving, Inc.
It's more fun to study and grow with others! Break Diving (the site you are on now) is a worldwide not-for-profit community focused on helping our 1493 members in 110 countries and 303 world cities to dramatically improve their happiness, success, and friendships. We help you level up, get recognized for your life accomplishments, make new friends, accomplish more, feel AWESOME about yourself, and become the best version of you---and all with other members rooting you on! Apply now and see major positive changes in your life in just two weeks!
Each of the below learning paths prescribe a recommended set of tasks, books, courses, etc. to help you put together a plan to make this happen. Remember the Break Diver's Creed: No Rules. No Excuses. No Regrets. Go make it happen!
- Determine whether you want to pursue a terminal degree.
- Start researching which ones are available in the fields of study that interest you.
- Make inquiries to see what the requirements are for the programs that interest you.
- Be sure to review all of the blog posts we share in the resources section of this handbook.
- Also, be sure to research the cost of each program. Don’t say: “I can’t afford it”. Instead, ask, “How can I afford it?”
- Join the Break Diving community and share your dreams and thoughts with friends!
- By the intermediate stage, you either 100% know the program you plan to attend, or you have already enrolled.
- Make sure your time management skills are refined, that you have a clear study plan written out on paper, and have a clear goal for your graduation date.
- Make sure you are becoming familiar with APA style, or whatever style handbook you will be using in your program.
- Don’t give up---it’s in the middle of the program (or right before you start) that you often can quickly lose momentum, confidence, and enthusiasm. Keep up the charge!
- Be sure to review all of our intermediate resources in this handbook.
- Join the Break Diving community and share your dreams and thoughts with friends!
- By this stage, you should be in the dissertation/final phase of your terminal degree.
- Start focusing on completion of the dissertation, and start investigating potential job/career/entrepreneurial prospects for after graduation.
- If you’re having trouble with your dissertation, check out the various books we recommend in the resources section. They will help you find your focus.
- If you haven’t yet, make sure your grammar and spelling and writing skills are perfect in whichever language you are using for study. Continually try to improve.
- As crazy as it sounds, start thinking about a second terminal degree that may interest you. Many have done just that. Why not you?
- Join the Break Diving community and share your dreams and thoughts with friends!
Why pursue the Doctorate dive alone when you can dive in and learn with 1493 new supportive friends in 110 countries pursuing 140 collective dives from 303 world cities? Apply now to join Break Diving!
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